Privacy Policy and Service Terms & Conditions

When you use our services, you trust us to keep your information. We know that it is a big responsibility, and we work hard to protect your information and grant you the authority to review and control thereof.

Privacy Policy and Service Terms & Conditions

Privacy policy is a part of the conditions that control WINCH application. It is developed to enhance your trust in privacy and safety of your personal information.

Privacy policy concerns with the information provided about the application users. If we review thereof from time to time for reasons related only with the update required by this article, with the new conditions as of the publication date. Continual of using this application means your approval on any update to this privacy policy and service conditions.

This privacy policy aims at assistance to understand the information we collect and the reason to collect thereof, as well as the method to update your information, exporting and deleting thereof.

Privacy policy and service conditions represents the controls and conditions, that serve as official agreement “Official contract” between WINCH For Logistics Services company owner of WINCH and the users of (Clients and Intermediate service providers and companies).

According to the following conditions, the user authorizes WINCH For Logistics Services company (WINCH) to serve him/her within the limit of his/her request through the application and authorizes us to use all the needed information he/she submitted in his/her request through the application and the required service, and in this manner, WINCH For Logistics Services company is authorized to transport all user requests through the application wither it’s a  goods / his/her car / food products / chemicals / furniture / repair / checking / or car repairs services WINCH is authorizes by the customer to fully serve the customer on any required service he/she request , whether inside or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Ariba , according to what was clarified by the customer within the request submitted by them.


Accepting the agreement and its items

Kindly read our agreement carefully before accepting its conditions, as it show your responsibilities as a user of application or the website, as it specifies our responsibility toward you. By using and signing in to this application, website, or using the available services and information, it means that you agree on this privacy policy and accept the commitment and restriction to its items, controls and conditions that control using this application. If you do not agree on any or all items provided herein, you shall not use our application or website. You shall acknowledge that using this application after any changes occur to this policy, controls and conditions of using this application will be deemed as an agreement from you on these changes.

What are the information we collect about you?

Through using this application, some information becomes available, which enable us to assist you, when required, for example without limitation, to reset password, if you forget it or if you want to change it, and to contact you in emergencies. Thus if you failed to provide correct and real information, this will limit or terminate your participation and actual use of this application. This type of personal information required for this application includes necessarily all the points provided in sign up pages. By filling thereof, you acknowledge and guarantee the authenticity of the information therein. Any false information may expose you to legal accountability or limit your usage to this application. It was written for you in detail to maintain the service quality and safety. While WINCH application enabled you to review all usages of WINCH Application details.

Personal Information

WINCH collects information about the identity of users with different means, for example without limitation, services provided includes the preferred city (main location), times within which the users visit the application.

WINCH programmed to update our clients with everything related to our services, such as GPS tracking for our trucks so the client will know the approximate arrival time, and to make sure the driver is on the right direction.

Registration to WINCH Application, Analysis templates, questionnaires slides to raise the quality of services, together with other activities, services, advantages, and sources we provide on our application. Users may be required to clarify the full name/ Company name (exclusively to those who register in companies and brokers sector), Vehicle information, e-mail address, mobile number, Credit Card Information or Bank Account and other information.

Non-Personal Information

WINCH collects information about users through working on the application. This information is not related to identity, it includes statistics and studies for the most common required services, for example without limitation, the most conserved cooling degrees used by users. Other information includes the smart phone type related to programming procedures used for copying the updates’ and other technical information about the methods by which the user uses the application, in addition to other information as improving procedures for the service provided.

Usage of Information by WINCH

When you enter your information, and start to interact with the application and commence using thereof by sending and receiving elements and different materials, you impliedly agree that we save these cookies along local database, with the ability to use thereof without maintaining any publication right thereof. However, in respect of your personal information they are safe and secured by us. We are abided to not to share thereof with any third parties.

Purposes of using previous information and data?

Developing and improving the application service

In WINCH, we follow up application and website users browsing to improve performance and develop thereof, make studies that serve Saudi Labor Market and to serve you in the best manner. We always seek to improve the offers provided through the applications and our website, in accordance with the information and reviews we receive from our users, noting that we cannot monitor or expose to the user identity, and we maintain the personal information.

Improvement of Service Quality

Getting the information provided hereinabove helps us to improve the quality of the services provided by us. We greatly focus on the most required demand, to meet the requirements of clients and satisfy thereof effectively.

Marketing services served to all users (clients, service providers, intermediaries, corporates sector) the registered information (Mobile number/ e-mail address) are used exclusively in dealing with the requests and their inquiries, and generally receive our periodic services, promotions, and general greetings, such that it shall not exceed the important WINCH notifications.

Sharing personal information, we, at all times, will maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all personal information we receive. We will not disclose this information, unless it is required under any law, and if we think in goodwill that this procedure will be required or desired to comply with law, or to defend or protect the property rights of this website, or the beneficiaries. We share the collected general information, which is not related to any personal identity of visitors or users, and their activity with our partners or statistics.


Disclosure of information to any third party

We shall not sell, trade, hire or disclose any information to the interest of any third party outside WINCH application, or its affiliated websites. Information will be disclosed only if an injunction order issued by any judicial or regulatory authority.

Applicable method to keep and protect your information

We always work on keeping our services in a manner that protects the information from casual or intentional damage. Thus, sensitive and private information are exchanged between WINCH and its users through secured communication channels, and it shall be encrypted and protecting thereof through approved digital methods and means. Access to the users’ information is limited to the employees of WiNCH, contractors, or agents who need to know this information to process thereof on our behalf, and those who has strict contractual information about confidentiality, such that failure to implement their obligations expose them to disciplinary act or termination of service.

Amendments to Privacy policy and information privacy

We may change the privacy policy and service terms, if necessary from time to time, however, we will not reduce the rights guaranteed by this policy without publishing any changes made to this privacy policy in this page. If these changes are substantial, we will give a more clear notice (including in respect of concerned services, a notice by e-mail by the changes applied to the privacy policy). These amendments will be applied herein, and your will be continuously notified by the information we obtained, and how we use thereof, the authority to which we may provide this information, so you shall review this application and its associated websites periodically. Accepting to use our application and its websites shall be deemed as full acceptance to the applicable policies and items.

Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability

WINCH application and all its associated websites bears no liability for any content appears or logged in through this application or website. We do not provide any implied or explicit warranties, including the contents created by corporates and individuals, whether for offers or services. It shall be noticed that the content does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of WINCH Application.

WINCH includes information and applications for external communication authorities for the links of other websites. “Locations of services providing corporates and individuals” or other entities representing the Third Parties. Therefore, it shall be mentioned that the application is not liable for any content, its accuracy, or the opinions given thereto on such websites. Accuracy of its authenticity or completion of this content cannot be guaranteed by us.

You should know that we cannot control the content or links that appear on these websites. We bear no liability for these practices performed by the associated website to ours. In addition, these websites or services, including content and links, may be continuously changed. These websites and services shall have privacy policies and customer services policies. Browsing and reacting to any other website including the websites that have a link for our application, subject to the conditions and policies of these websites. Users may access thereto and use thereof on their own responsibility, and the application bears no liability thereon, whether for advertisement, services, or undertakings submitted by advertisers.

Application management does its best to improve and continue services without incurring any damage, if the user is not capable to access the application or the websites. Thus, the application bears no liability for any fault, omission, suspension, deletion, defect, delay in operation, sending, technical default, failure in connection, or telephone lines, internet computer systems, servers, providers, computer hardware, software, theft, damage, unauthorized access, failure of e-mail to benefit from application services. In addition to discharging the application from this responsibility wholly or partly, for any damage or loss occurs to the user under any circumstances due to using the application or any of its services, whether it is connected or not. In addition to the complete declaration that the previous and following information is only general information. It shall not be deemed as advice except the obligatory conditions and breaching thereof, which expose the violating party for accountability specifically, and WINCH bears no liability.

WINCH bears no liability for any damage resulted from using the website or application, harmful software, viruses, manipulation of content, communications, requests, or delay of content, correspondences, and applications. It bears no liability for the non-completion of information or its inauthenticity, with its permanent attempt to audit the information of users, verify thereof, provide the maximum safety and security degree.

The liability for the quality of the services provided to the application users completely falls on the service provider. WINCH bears no liability toward any fault or unprofessionalism of services provided thereby, damage of goods, losing, or complete damage. The first and last responsible person is the service provider, and WINCH bears no liability for the service providers’ actions, acts, or neglecting generally with Its permanent attempt to raise up the quality.

If any complaint is submitted for poor services from all aspect, it will be on the service provided by the service provider, as WINCH does not provide any implied or explicit warranties for services, WINCH serves as an intermediary and it bears no liability for any damage or theft, directly or indirectly, or penalties, accidents, casual or consequent damages. The first and last official therefore shall be the service provider.

By your acceptance, WINCH discharges its liability, as you acknowledge being solely liable for the services privacy, and that you are liable for using thereof by any other party using your account and/ or username or password, or your access documents. You shall notify us if you becomes aware of any theft, loss, unauthorized use, or otherwise, with the means to access these services.

Thus, you acknowledge and undertake that you will not perform the following:

You will use the application for legal and legitimate purposes. It shall not be used for sending or storing any illegal materials, fraud or smuggling, or otherwise.

That you will not obstacle the progress and operation of application and all its accessories. You will not cause damage by mean and you will be accountable legally, and you will be charged to pay indemnification in accordance with the applicable Saudi Law if this occurred.

You will keep your personal information for example without limitation password or any other mean to recognize you.

You will not use the application for harassment or causing harm.

You will not infringe any rights related to others.

You will not cancel the service when the drive arrives to implement the service. Your entitlement to cancel the service shall be within ten minutes after submitting the order for any reason whatsoever after the grace period for order cancellation. A fine will be imposed the value of starting trip counter of the service required due to the cancellation process. You have the right of grievance WINCH through customer service channels, and it will be decided whether the fine will be cancelled or be reduced according to the reasons provided.

Infringement or violation to any condition of the present user conditions, any law, or regulations applicable, whether it is referred in the conditions and provisions of using thereof or not.

WiNCH or the owner company will not be liable in any case for the aforementioned.


Services prices specified under extensive studies and other studies approved according to the demands and offers. It shall be specified according to variable average from one place to another, and from one section to another depending on the changes made to the exact studies with profit not more than 25 %, which differs according to different services. WINCH reserves its right to raise and reduce price of any service offered. By accepting the service after being notified with the approximate price, you agree on the applicable changes. While WINCH always seek the loyalty of service providers and clients. It does their best to reserve their rights with submitting the bonuses and continuous incentives, with specifying fixed deduction rates to attract service providers.

Links of other websites on internet

Our website may contain other websites on internet, advertisement for other websites, we shall not be deemed liable for any cookies saved by these sites. You can read privacy policies and the contents of these sites to which you can access through any link among this website. We may use advertisement companies for third parties to make advertisement when you visit our page on the website. These companies are entitled to use information about your visits to the site and other websites (excluding name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number), to provide you with the advertisements for the goods and services that concerns you.

Contracts with third parties

Items hereunder represents the conditions of work between service provider and WINCH For Logistics Services Company. By your approval hereunder, you acknowledge your full legal capacity to conclude and meet these conditions, and you acknowledge your approval and agreement on the following:

Hereinafter, you will be referred to as service provider, transporter or staff, and we will be referred to as WINCH For Logistics Services Company.

1.         Term of contract commences as of the date on which the service provider initiates the work in WINCH and ends when its account is deleted, and when disclaimer of WINCH For Logistics Services Company is obtained, unless he is notified by WINCH For Logistics Services Company that his account will be closed. WINCH For Logistics Services Company completely reserves its right to close or suspend the service provider account, or notify the competent authorities if there is any violation to the applicable laws in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2.         Place of work shall be as specified by the service provider through the maps of application. He is also entitled to take additional routs if desired. WINCH For Logistics Services Company will count them the lability for when he accepts a request or reject thereof, with its previous approval and agreement for that rout except if force majeure beyond its will. Management is entitled then to reconsider the penalty on its account or not, and it shall notify the service provider with the result.

3.         Service provider shall pay the commission to WINCH for each type of service. If he failed to comply therewith, WINCH For Logistics Services Company is entitled to suspend or delete its account, or prevent it from providing service, or even take any legal act it believes appropriate.

4.         When service provider is prevented from providing service through the application, and if the service is provided through another fake profile or a friend profile, he will be immediately exposed to legal accountability by WINCH’s lawyer team, or exposed to penalties such as suspension of the fake account or suspend their friends’ account, or suspend the company’s account. You will be convicted with impressionist or manipulating systems.

5.         Working hours shall not exceed the applicable systems by Ministry of Transportation. Service provider shall comply with the break hours provided in transportation systems.

6.         Any fraud to documents immediately exposes the service provider to legal accountability by fraud of legal and governmental documents.

7.         Service provider is completely liable for the authenticity of the information provided or edited to the system. WINCH For Logistics Services Company is completely entitled to take the legal procedures if otherwise is required.

8.         Service provider shall complete the assigned works in accordance with the norms of profession, and in accordance with the information of WINCH For Logistics Services Company. If nothing of these instructions contradicts with the contract, laws or morals, and if implementing thereof will not expose him to danger.

9.         Service provider shall provide all assistance, without any additional fees, in case of risks that threaten the safety of the place of work or the persons who are working therein.

10.       Service provider shall not disclose any information of first party after the expiration of the contract and until he receives its final disclaimer from WINCH For Logistics Services Company, for a period not more than two years.

11.       Service provider shall not waive off or loaned out to others his account or any part of it thereof, without having the prior approval of WINCH For Logistics Services Company, however, the Service provider is liable toward WINCH For Logistics Services Company for the safety and security of its services, and any problems occurred thereto.

12.       Service provider shall not share his information, security code, e-mail, mobile to any other person, which may lead to fraud or information theft.

13.       Service provider shall be liable for the damages that resulted any bad service, failure to keep his information, and he shall be completely liable for all powers authenticated and any damage occurred thereto. Service provider shall notify WINCH For Logistics Services Company of occurrence of any problem immediately through e-mail or mobile provided on the website. In the application, you will find “Contact us” Icon.

14.       In no case or at any time during the continuity of work, or after termination of service at WINCH For Logistics Services Company, Service provider shall not disclose any information related to the affairs, practices, secrets, and works of WINCH For Logistics Services Company or any associated companies or clients to any person, corporation or competitive company, unless after having the prior written consent of WINCH For Logistics Services Company.

15.       When service of Service provider at WINCH For Logistics Services Company is terminated, Service provider may not transfer or reserve any numbers, accountants, letters, reports, or date that contain this information. Service provider acknowledges that any numbers, accounts, letters, reports or data obtained during the term of work at WINCH For Logistics Services Company, it shall be owned by the owner solely.

16.       Notices and correspondences between Service provider and WINCH For Logistics Services Company shall be made in writing to the addresses provided at the beginning of this agreement by registered mail and e-mail of each party. Each party shall notify the other party in writing if the address thereof changed, otherwise, address and email provided hereinabove shall be deemed the legal, and the Service provider shall before send any notice verify the email address to check the authenticity of the address thereon.

17.       Service provider accepted the aforementioned conditions and abided thereby. It also agreed to work for WINCH For Logistics Services Company under its total acceptance thereon.

18.       Arabic is the approved language in interpreting this condition and implementing thereof. Service provider may use any foreign language with translating thereof to Arabic at its own expense, provided that the Arabic contents shall have the evidence if there is any difference.


Intellectual property

Intellectual property of WINCH is for WINCH For Logistics Services Company.


Contact us

If you have any inquiries about privacy policy terms and conditions, kindly contact us on



Dear user, your concerns and interest in respect of confidentiality and privacy shall be deemed as important issue for us, we hope that you can achieve so throughout this policy. This policy shall be deemed as contract between WINCH For Logistics Services Company and you specifically. By your approval thereon, you acknowledge that you have mental capacity and the legal capacity to conclude a contract. You will be deemed as infringing any law or contract, noting that the contracts are not specific. You are entitled to terminate or close by not using your account at any time. we are entitled to suspend thereof immediately without any notice, if you breach or terminate any condition provided hereinabove is included in settlement of disputes, claim, or difference, infringement, termination, application, interpretation, validity, or use the website, service or application, of the applicable laws and regulations in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it shall be interpreted according thereto. Noting that Arabic language shall be applied in case of any conflict and it is the main language in all our legal matters.

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